Friday, May 23, 2008

Works citied

"Glacier." World Book Millennium 2000. G ed. 8 vols. Chicago: Scott Fetzer Company, 2000.

"Global Warming." Epa.Gov. 20 May 2008. 23 May 2008

"Global Warming." Ncdc.Noaa. 8 May 2008. 23 May 2008 .

Thursday, May 22, 2008

CE done

Global Warming

The cause of global warming is simple, we are producing more carbon dioxide then the earth can release, the affect of this happening is now the earth is warming up. If the earth gets too warm, the polar ice caps will melt and sea levels will rise. Also, as the earth starts to rise in temperature, disease will spread, and animals will die. There is a chance that we can stop this all from happening, and all we have to do is cut down on our electricity use, learn to car pool, and find better ways to create energy.

The main ice covered landmass is Antarctica at the South Pole, with about 90 percent of the world's ice and 70 percent of its fresh water. Antarctica is covered with ice an average 7,000 feet thick. If all of Antarctic’s ice melted, sea levels around the world would rise about 200 feet. The effect of the oceans raising an average of 200 feet world wide would be devastating to man kind. All of the cities around the world such as New York, Boston, and San Francisco all would be under water and millions of people would be without homes and jobs. Also, if global warming gets worse people will not be the only thing that gets affected by global warming.

In some cases it is too late for some species such as 70 species of frogs, mostly mountain-dwellers that had nowhere to go to escape the creeping heat. They have gone extinct because of climate change. Also between 100 and 200 other cold-dependent animal species, such as penguins and polar bears are in deep trouble. Also climate change affects the occurrence and spread of disease by impacting the population size and range of hosts and pathogens, the length of the transmission season, and the timing and intensity of outbreaks. If this would happen and diseases would spread, millions more people would die, from diseases such as malaria.
Even if global warming is bad and is already affecting our world there is still a chance that we can stop global warming. For example we can use alternative energies such as wind and water power. Also we can find better ways to fuel our cars, or have our cars get better gas mileage. I think that if we all work together we can stop global warming in its tracks. Also I think that we did to stop thinking that ethanol will stop our ever increasing need for oil. One fact shows that it takes two barrels of oil just to produce one barrel of ethanol.
Overall, I feel that the cause for global warming is our fault and that effect will be terrible for all of man kind. I also feel that if we all work together that we can stop global warming and we will not have to suffer the consequences. I think that if we do not do something soon we will loose many more species of animals and also many more people will be homeless and diseases will spread.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Works citied

Works Cited

Gibbs, Nancy. "Reading Between the Lies." Time (2003): 1-2.Hoff, Benjamin. "The Crooked Tree."

Seeing Metaphors.Ludwig, Mark D. "Lok Out for More Blairs." Developing Minds (2004).

Puka, Bill. "Student Cheating." Liberal Education (2005).

C and E

The cause of global warming is simple, we are producing more carbon dioxide then the earth can relies, the affect of this happening is now the earth is warming up. If the earth gets to warm the polar ice caps will melt and sea levels will rise. Also as the earth starts to rise in temperature disease will spread, and animals will die. There is a chance that we can stop this all from happening all we have to do is cut down on our electricity use, learn to car pool, and find better ways to create energy.

The main ice covered landmass is Antarctica at the South Pole, with about 90 percent of the world's ice and 70 percent of its fresh water. Antarctica is covered with ice an average 7,000 feet thick. If all of the Antarctic ice melted, sea levels around the world would rise about 200 feet. The effect of the oceans raising an average of 200 world wide would devastating to man kind. All of the cities around the world such as New York Boston, and San Francisco all would be under water and lions of people would be without homes and jobs. Also if global warming gets worse people will not be the only thing that gets affected by global warming.

In some cases it is too late for some species such as 70 species of frogs, mostly mountain-dwellers that had nowhere to go to escape the creeping heat, have gone extinct because of climate change. It also reports that between 100 and 200 other cold-dependent animal species, such as penguins and polar bears are in deep trouble
. Also Climate change affects the occurrence and spread of disease by impacting the population size and range of hosts and pathogens, the length of the transmission season, and the timing and intensity of outbreaks. If this would happen and dieses would spread millions more people would die, from dieses such as malaria.
Even if global warming is bad and is already affecting our world there is still a chance that we can stop global warming. For example we can use alternative energies such as win and water power. Also we can find better ways to fuel our cars, or have our cars get better gas mileage. I think that if we all work together we can stop global warming in its tracks.
Overall, I feel that the cause for global warming is our fault and that effect will be terrible for all of man kind. I also feel that if we all work together that we can stop global warming and we will not have to suffer the consequences. I think that if we do not do something soon we will loose many more species of animals and also many more people will be homes less and diseases will spread.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008



3. Big Ice by Christopher Bonn Jonnes


The cause for global warming is that there is alot of Carbon dioxide in the air, the affect if this is now the world is warming.

Friday, May 9, 2008


The cause for the gas prices rising in America is because we buy oil from countries that are at war. The effect of high gas prices is that all other products that we enjoy are going up in price. For example Milk has gone up a lot in the last year because of rising gas prices, it cost the farmers a lot more money to transport there milk.

If prices keep risen then the wars in the Middle East will keep going on. The effect of this is they will start to build larger more powerful weapons such as a nuclear bomb. Also if we keep buying oil from them they will just get richer and more powerful, and that is not a good thing at all.

There is a positive side to risen gas prices, if gas keeps risen people will stop buying it for there cars, and then there will be less carbon dioxide in the environment. Witch will then stop global warming. Also after gas gets so high and people stop buying it people in the Middle East will lose money and they will not be able to support there wars.Overall, I think that as long as gas prices keep risen other products will go up to, and people in the Middle East will keep getting richer.

Thursday, May 8, 2008


Critical thinking is one of the most important things you did to know before you go out in the real world, and it is a skill that you need to teach yourself. If you do not learn how to think critical you make many bad choices in your life.

For example you can use critical thinking when you are making important choices in your life such as who you are going to marry, were you are going to college, if you want to have kids. In the article that we read it talks about how our brain does not like to think and that we have to train our brain to think critical. It talks about how the mind would rather just do the first thing it thinks of, rather then actual thinking through the choice that needs to be made. For example many people do not give a lot of thought to who they are going to marry these days. In America today one in ever two marriages will end in divorce.

Also people did to start thinking critical when it comes to spending money. For example people have thousands of dollars in credit card debt. Also people are driving around and living in houses they can not pay for. Overall, I feel that we did to start thinking critically so we make that right choices when it comes to finding the right person to marry.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


I feel that thinking is talking to oneself like Sarah Orne Jewwtt said in her writings. For example when you are thinking by yourself what do you hear? You hear a voice in your head, and you listen to that voice just like the quote said you did. Also when you listen to yourself think you can come up with the best idea to solve the problem. Some people do not think before they act and there for do not listen and make bad choices in there lives.

I feel that if we do not inwardly listen to ourselves and instead listen to others we also make the wrong choice. For example if we give into peer pressure and do drugs we have made the wrong choice and we end up hurting ourselves. Also when we do not listen to ourselves we hurt other people.

We can listen to people that are looking out for us. For example if that little voice in your head is telling you to do something bad. You should listen to other people so you can help yourself. Overall, I feel that if we listen to ourselves and other people equally we will turn out just fine in the end.